Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Alderman Peter Sullivan slanders Jonathan Melle on "democraticunderground.com"!

"While you guys were partying..."
Wednesday January-21-2009, 12:37 AM
Original message

The article would have you believe that this was a two-way shouting match. It was not. Mr. Levasseur launched a series of off the wall and occasionally incoherent accusations. I chose to respond by stepping down from my seat at the aldermanic platform as a private citizen. I'm not sure why Scott Brooks sees this as "bizarre". In most bodies, it is actually proper protocol to do so.

Mr. Levasseur has been using Jonathan Melle to goad me. Melle is a mentally ill individual who is facing felony charges for assaulting a Manchester police officer with his car in 2007. I find it abhorent that Levasseur would choose to exploit this disturbed man's condition in order to score political points.

In addition, Levasseur has not limited his attacks to my performance as alderman. he has threatened to obtain my medical records and make an issue out of my having been treated for depression. He has made utterly vile comments about my wife. he has attacked my friends. I'm not talking about a couple of emails; I am talking about 70 or so, not counting innumerable blog posts under various names.

I know that many people here are familiar with Levasseur's antics, but there are people who will see this and draw the wrong conclusion. Sadly, I am in a position where my good name is doomed no matter what I do. If I confront Levasseur, I am engaging in "shouting mathces". If I ignore him, his slurs go uncorrected and are assumed to be true.

It's a no win situation when you are dealing with a political sociopath.

Source: www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=105x8434400


Related posting: www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x4921648


Re: Why is Alderman Peter Sullivan able to get away with slandering me?

After I have complained and complained and complained again to the City of Manchester, NH about Alderman Peter Sullivan's harassment and slandering of me, he still makes false accusations against me on Internet Blog postings. ...
...Alderman Peter Sullivan falsely states: "(Jonathan) Melle is a mentally ill individual who is facing felony charges for assaulting a Manchester police officer with his car in 2007. I find it abhorent that (Joe) Levasseur would choose to exploit this disturbed man's condition in order to score political points."

First of all, I plead innocent to the abusive and lying police officer, John Cunningham's, fictitious story that defies the very laws of physics and is contradictory to the two witness statements. I NEVER ASSAULTED a Manchester police officer with my car! That is a lie!

Secondly, Alderman Peter Sullivan falsely states that I am a "disturbed man". I have never been clinically diagnosed as such, and I find his characterization of me to be ignorant and discriminatory.

Clearly Alderman Peter Sullivan is both harassing and slandering me. No one in Manchester City Government will stop him from his illegal and criminal actions against me. Both Alderman Peter Sullivan and the City of Manchester are liable to a costly civil suit in a state or federal court of law.

Why is Alderman Peter Sullivan able to get away with slandering me? Are Mayor Frank Guinta and the other 13 Aldermen willing to pay money in a lawsuit insteading taking the proper measures to stop an Officer of the City of Manchester from such illegal actions?

I want Alderman Peter Sullivan to stop harassing and slandering me!

Jonathan A. Melle


Re: Alderman Peter Sullivan's response! He is NOT sorry!

From: "Sullivan,Peter" PSullivan@ci.manchester.nh.us
To: jonathan_a_melle@yahoo.com
Date: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 8:52 AM
RE: Why is Alderman Peter Sullivan able to get away with slandering me?

Mr. Melle,

Since you are no longer a constituent, I ask that you cease all further communication with me.

Over the last few weeks, you have repeatedly emailed me with this sort of message, and you have evidently been searching for my posts on internet discussion boards as well. It's time to move on, Jonathan.

While I understand that you are wrestling with your own personal issues, sending me angry and inflammatory messages over and over again will not improve your situation. You are in need of professional mental health assistance, and that is something that I can not provide. There are a number of providers in the Manchester and Nashua areas who can assist you, so I suggest that you focus your time and energy on obtaining appropriate treatment.

Peter M. Sullivan
Alderman, Ward 3
