Saturday, November 17, 2018

Peter Sullivan dropped out of bid for NH Secretary of State

“Longshot Sec. of State candidate ends bid”
By Kevin Landrigan, New Hampshire Union Leader, November 16, 2018

Concord -- The third, long-shot candidate for NH secretary of state abruptly dropped out Friday, blasting Democratic Party leaders for having what he called a "warped obsession with absolute partisan fealty."

Former Manchester Democratic state Rep. Peter Sullivan had said he wasn't really competing for a vote between either party caucus and had been preparing a campaign to wage before the full House and Senate when it meets on Dec. 5 to elect a secretary of state and state treasurer.

But Sullivan apparently decided that getting only seven votes among 205 cast by House Democrats during a private caucus on Thursday had sealed his fate.

Colin Van Ostern of Concord, the 2016 Democratic nominee for governor, crushed incumbent Secretary of State Bill Gardner among these party regulars, winning a 179-23 non-binding vote.

"Yesterday’s results made it clear that there is a near-total lack of interest in substantive electoral reform within the Democratic Caucus," Sullivan said in a statement. "It makes no sense to beat a horse."

Sullivan had declined to take any campaign contributions for this race and been critical of Van Ostern, who has raised more than $250,000.

"The current leadership of the New Hampshire Democratic Party has displayed a cult-like devotion to money and fundraising, and a warped obsession with absolute partisan fealty," Sullivan said. "This is not the Democratic Party in which I was raised, and it is not one in which I can in good conscience remain."

Van Ostern emerges as the odds-on favorite now but Gardner is hoping to win the support of most, if not all, of the 166 House and 10 Senate Republicans who have not weighed in.

Gardner also no doubt hopes he could pick up most, if not all, of Sullivan's seven votes.

With only two candidates left if all elected lawmakers take part in this election it will take 213 votes to secure the post.

Gardner is seeking his 22nd straight term and hasn't faced a serious opponent since 1996.
